We are delighted and proud to announce that VETIGRAPH France is now certified AFNOR!
Our company has been assessed and declared compliant with the “Compliance in Vocational Training” standard, recognized by CNEFOP and meeting all the criteria of Article R 6316-1 of the Labor Code resulting from Decree No. 2015-790 June 30, 2015 for the following type of training action: Certifying, qualifying, diploma training.
VétiGraph has the advantage of being compatible with the hardware of the competition, thus limiting the redundancy of the equipment (plotters, tables with digit, automaton of cutting) and privileging also an investment only software.
This compatibility is not only hardware since we have developed an interface to exploit MDL files (version 5.6 and 7) as well as a new interface for version 8.
Thus establishments can work together on VétiGraph systems as well as on others.
As a reminder, the VétiGraph training carried out within the national education establishments remains free for the acquisition of VétiGraph licenses.
We also benefit from training with Pôle Emploi (French unemployment service).